Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is it True That Diddy was so poor in college, he ate ramen noodles for years

Hip-hop artist Sean Combs has revealed that he was so strapped for cash at one point of time that he had to survive on just ramen noodles. The rapper/fashion-mogul confessed that he once tasted bad fortune as a student at Howard University in Washington D.C.

And due to poor inflow of finances, the now multi-millionaire, Diddy had to beg for help just to survive. "I was getting evicted and running out of ramen noodles so I went to apply for $5,000 in financial aid. And I waited for that $5,000 cheque," Contactmusic quoted him, as saying.

The singer revealed that he ate student snack ramen noodles for years. "When it came, boy, we was ballin'. I bought up (convenience store) 7-Eleven. I had ramen noodles for years," he said.


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