Monday, January 21, 2008

Youth '08 - Malaysia's Youth Lifestyle at PWTC

Started from


Set up booth

Mel wanted to assassinate me...

so X gonna Give It to Ya'!

other booth:

My Penang homeboy in the house too

Streetdance competition:

Jedi war at PWTC car park?

May the force be with you...

Point curi tulang cuz he didn't sign this promo poster... gotcha bro!

Actually he was busy, my bad :(

scenaray of my smoking area:

Wan of The Rebel Scum, cameraman being camera shy, owh well...

Joe also dropped by

Kartel-O hello!

Hiew was there too

visit his blog hIEw-EIght-EIght.

Closing time, every start sure have an end, right?

Allow me to intro few of V Rec Street Team members



visit his blog, It pays to be short, royalty just comes with it.

Last but definately never the least, it's Alison

The gang


QuirkyLilPrincess said...

hey x,thanks for putting the pic up.

EugeneLee said...

LoL, Ice Ice baby ~ made me buat muka L4nC rupa rupanye mau letak sini !!!!