Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Stop Snitchin' Stop Lyin"

Now there are several romours about me that is spread making people think some is real. I asked my mother IF what that wanksta claim is real.

My mother never spoke to him , Pr@***h. The only Indian guy my mother spoke to was Manikandran. Manikandran was my close friend in college.

Racist? Check out my mutherfuckin' list of friends. I go holiday with other race.

Now that's some FACT that is R E A L . So any stupid FUCKS that think what he claim is real, F**k your motherfuckin' self and move on. And I don't give any motherfuckin' attention to mutherfuckin' faggots. My name aint mutherfuckin' Mike Jones, so keep my name away from your mouth!!

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