Monday, September 06, 2010

Mark Wahlberg on Cover of Men's Fitness Mag

The real Entourage?

Marky & Donnie:

The song that made him a famous rapper

Marky Mark's routine from his workout video via
Basically the first section is a a fully body home workout routine that uses bodyweight exercises and dumbells. It takes about 30 mins to complete.

Then the next section he shows a bodybuilding 3 day split which he does in Gold's Gym Venice Beach. I will outline it for you here:

All exercises are 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps. He shows most exercises on a Smith Machine and with really light weights but I think that's just for safety and because this video wasn't targeted at the bodybuilding community. So I would just replace the smith for normal free weights for those ones.

Day 1 - Chest, Tris, Shoulders
Warm Up

Incline Bench - Smith
Flat Bench - Smith

Tricep Pushdowns
Nose Breakers/French Curls with an Ez-curl bar supersetted with a bench press using same bar and weight.
Tricep Extensions with ez-curl bar

Military Press Behind Neck on Smith
Military Front Press on Smith
Rear Delts Pec-Dec machine

Squats - smith
Leg Extension (He does the 10-15 reps with one leg, then the other leg then increases weight a bit and does both legs)
Seated Leg Press - 20 reps
Calf Extension on leg press machine
Lying Leg Curl
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Seated Leg Curls
Calf Leg Raise

Day 3
Wide Grip Pull-ups
Seated Back Rows
One Arm DB Rows
Lat Pulldowns Behind Neck

Straight Barbell Curls
Preacher Curl Machine
Seated Alternate Dumbell Curls

And that's the workout done. He doesn't say if you do it 3 times a week or 3 days on, 1 day off and repeat or anything like that so it's up to you I guess.

At the end of the video there was some nutrition information from some other guy from Gold's Gym.

Nutrition Guidelines
4 complete meals a day
Avoid getting hungry
Never miss a meal

Example Diet
2 Cups Oatmeal
Egg White Omlette

Lunch + Dinner
Pasta with a lowfat sauce
Lowfat yogurt
Lean Beef

Late night snack - air popped popcorn



Before Usher dropped his pants while performing You Make Me Wanna, it was Marky who did it

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