I was sleepy. As a result, my driving skill was extremely bad. I was too lazy to use signal light. (I normally use it ok!). We went to my aunt’s house and my uncle was there as the welcoming committee. Then we headed to another uncle’s house which is 5 minutes away so my father can collect my uncle’s car. I dropped my father there, and then I took my mother and Jim to my sister’s house. On the way, I showed my mother where I work and live. She then says that she do not like where I stay and insisted that I find a new room. (Easier to be said than done)
When I was there, I fell asleep while waiting for my father. My mother woke me up. My parents, my sister, my bother-in-law, Jim and me went to eat and buy stuff. After that we went back to my sister’s house. Then I sleep again. When mother woke me up again, it’s the real event of the day. It is Isabelle’s birthday party. I met a lot of relatives. The weird part is, I met my cousin. She’s all grown up. The last time I saw her was 10 years ago, I think. Isabelle’s birthday cake was huge. Her first birthday cake from Berry’s. It was such a huge cake.It is as big as a table. The picture was Snoopy. The party ended about 10.30PM.
As for the rest of the night, I went to pick up Raja and then meet Fiq at Bangsar for another meal, but what I did was drink my favorite teh ais. After that, it is my usual makan place.
Note: To go to KTM station from Federal Highway, go to Jalan Bangsar, then go straight all the way. If you see the museum on the left, you are on the right track. Go straight till you see KTM on the right.
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