Members are Samsol,Dayat,DJ Jeza and Daly.
The group is from Singapore.
Clips of Angguk-angguk Geleng-geleng was shown. The video do look interesting though it's mostly done on green screen with editing.
The group claims(in an interview, not too long ago) that they do not listen to western music.
Could it be one of them woke up one fine day and eureka, they got a genre that is known
as hip hop all over the world. Well, I got nothing against them, they just be pulling Stunt 101.
As performers, they did perform well though I remember vividly someone stating that that music is wack.
I must admit that their performance style was a bit similiar with Teh Tarik Crew. Could it be that they have a DJ with
2 male emcees and 1 female emcee ? The female emcee's headgear? The female emcee the only performer dancing? Well you might be thinking "Is he comparing her to Nina?".
I aint hating on anyone but just a thought.
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