Last Friday night, my and a group of friends went to a haunted house near Zoo Negara. It is called Frenzy's House.
I agreed to go into the house, after I went behind the house's gate, I felt something was wrong. After every1 went down the stairs, I went outside and told AhFad something was wrong. Then I went wee wee by the side. I felt something again and went behind the house's gate and looked around and came out of the place again.
After 10 minutes, Jaja and another guy saw something and started to cry. The guy said "Gotta go now!” Then Jaja forced Ahfad to take her away from that place. AhFad asked any1 wanted to tag along, I offer myself, I drove my car and meet the 1/2 way as I gotta do something on the way(something illegal).
AhFad forced Jaja into my car, and then Jaja showed here and there while I thought that guy was her boyfriend and we are looking for him. I somehow ended at the T junction then drove to a petrol station. AhFad cooled her down. Then only AhFad told me that there was a black shadow staring at them. Sounds creepy? Allow me take you there, then you decide!
Air Jordan 1 Black/Royal “Python” by JBF
12 years ago